Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer solstice

I had a post for you on Flag Day but the ol' pc blacked out and wouldn't revive in time so onward.

Tomorrow is the summer solstice. From there we slide minute by minute towards early dark and cold.  Winter is coming.

But there's plenty of summer left, y'all!  So let's get out there and play!  And if you want to throw a few beads into the mix, who am i to complain?

Project update:  kyanite necklace...FINISHED.  go me!  It's just at 18" which is a tad long as the beads start to hang at sharp angles instead of flowing as you see them here.  I've got it pulled up to shorten it a bit.  But because it's a hook clasp, it can be shortened by a link or two and still sit nicely.  woohoo!  i think i'll wear this one!  First, though, i'm gonna put a protective coating on the metal beads since i'm not real sure exactly what kind of metal they are.

Next project:  beadpoint...ONGOING and going and going and....ha ha just kidding.  No, really . I see progress but it's slooooooow.  So cool, though.

And lastly but not leastly...a loom project.  Just 'cause i just didn't have enough projects in the works.  This has 1.5mm leather on the outside warp threads.  Warp being the long threads and weft threads going across.  I'm using 11/0 seeds in silver lined rainbow colors. Ain't it purty?  It's probably already long enough for a wrist band, if not a little bit too long, but dadgummit!  Looming is like eating peanuts:  you just can't stop even though you know you've had enough.  So it goes. 

Bead on!


  1. Beautiful Kyanite necklace!
    Anyone who does tiny beadwork is my hero, I just don't have the patience for it :)

  2. thanks! fortunately there's lots to choose from in the beading universe!

  3. I LOOOOOVVVEEE the loom project!!! and the Kyanite necklace came out beautifully! and the beadpoint....yikes!!! Hats off to you!!!! Daunting and I can't wait until YOU finish!

  4. i think the s/l seeds make that loom project pop, don't you? a customer loomed a bracelet using gemstones, fire polish rounds and size 10/0 delicas with leather on the outside warps. stunning! i want to loom a larger piece to hang in the window. maybe AFTER the beadpoint!
