ha ha ha! This picture made me laugh! They look like sunglasses-wearing dancing teeth.
But they are actually cool skull beads given by a friend. And they've been sitting on my beading table waiting for inspiration to strike. Being such unique beads in and of themselves, i wanted to both highlight that and come up with a design that, with luck, would complement their uniqueness.
woooooo. lofty, no? But, really, that's kinda what we do every time we make a piece of jewelry. There's usually a "most" important element along with supporting elements. "What's your conversation?" A customer said that to us quite some time ago, and we often pass it along as a bit of designing advice.
So my conversation was these two cooly wacky and wackily cool skulls that are also an unusual color. What you see in the photo is actually the pair of earrings; that's just a bad picture. I did take a better one.
(2) cool resin skull beads
(2) 10mm copper rounds
some copper wire
(6) links of chain with rings left on
no ear wires..the kidney ear wires don't look good and i didn't have any other copper ones..so no. no ear wires for you.
Well? Did i hit the right design note? Did the skulls remain the focal beads amongst complementary and supporting components?
Who cares? They made me laugh out loud! I love 'em!